What is the Yin-Yang? by the community acupuncture Yin and Yang terms first appeared in the Yi Jing (the book of changes in the Zhou dynasty). At its origin, the terms were used to designate the two slopes of a mountain. The sunny side was Yang and Yin shaded side. More info:
David Treadwell. Later, the meaning was extended to include all opposites in all phenomena. By the same author:
Kai-Fu Lee. Yin and Yang then began to be used to denote the climate cold or hot, up or down, left or right; exterior or interior, and the quiet and the dynamic. All natural events and States of being are based on Yin and Yang, and can be analyzed on the basis of the theory of Yin-Yang.
Yin-Yang theory, however, does not refer to any phenomenon specific in particular. It is a theoretical method for the observation and analysis of the phenomena. In general terms, the Yin and Yang is a philosophical concept, a way to generalize the two opposite principles can be observed in all manifest phenomena in the natural world. Yin and Yang represent two phenomena separated opposite natures, as well as different aspects opposing within the same phenomenon. Thus, the ancient Chinese people came to understand that all aspects of the natural world can be viewed as phenomena of dual aspect.
For example, day and night, brightness and darkness, movement and stillness, heat and cold, etc. It is said: water and fire are the Yin and Yang symbols. This means that water and fire represent two opposing primary aspects of a contradiction. Based on the properties of water and fire, everything in nature can be classified as Yin or Yang. Aspects that present basic properties of fire, such as heat, movement, brightness, movement upwards and outwards, excitation and power belong to Yang, while those who have the basic properties of water, such as cold, stillness, darkness, downward and inward, inhibition, and the weakness belong to Yin. Consequently, in the field of medicine, different parts of the body are classified as Yin or Yang. For example, the upper and outer part of the body belong to Yang and the bottom and interior parts to Yin; the hands belong to Yang, while the feet to Yin; the five Zang organs belong to Yin and six Yang Fu organs. Nature Yin-Yang of a phenomenon is not absolute but relative. This relativity is reflected in two ways. On the one hand, under certain conditions can Yin become Yang and vice versa (the interdependent nature of the transformation of Yin and Yang), and by the other, any phenomenon can be infinitely divided into Yin and Yang, aspects which reflects its own Yin - Yang internal relationship. Day, for example, is Yang, while the night is Yin. However, each can be classified in the following way: the morning is Yang within Yang, and the afternoon is Yin within Yang. The first half of the night inside is Yin within Yin, and the second half of the night is Yang within Yin. This differentiation of the natural world in their opposing parties can carry out to infinity. Therefore, we can see that Yin and Yang are extreme opposites and yet interdependent. Both oppose and complement each other, and exist in all natural phenomena. Traditional Chinese medicine applies the principles Yin-Yang of interconnection and continuing transformation in the human body to explain the physiological changes and pathological causes of diseases, and so guide clinical diagnosis and the respective treatment. To your health! Original author and source of the article.