The activity developed for the plate is almost always detrabalho subordinated. However, job is not fit in the recognition of vnculode, a time that is marked by the eventuality of the services and pelaimpessoalidade. The borrower of services randomly chooses workers, amongst whom if they agglomerate in the concentration points, he collects or them naestrada, where they are in the acostamentos waiting who it contracts them for trabalhode load and discharge of trucks or simply to serve as guiasurbanos leading the happened drivers of truck of other States. Thus, the inexistence of the employment contract not only elapses of the eventuality and daausncia of pessoalidade, as well as for the lack of continuous obligation to dephase consistent in the installment of its services in favor of the borrower of services. No punishment will be able to happen for the plate if this in one determined day prestarservios for a company, in the following day for another one and one third day to nocomparecer to the custom point to wait to be selected. Exactly in seconsiderando the days where the plates do not obtain service, such form detrabalho, given the diverse companies, always provided rendasmensais greaters, of what the used wages of in the function of ouauxiliares assistant of truck of warehouses. For this reason, the plates prefer to remain nestacondio that, beyond being more income-producing, allows them to establish and In a economy globalizada, where the wealth if concentrates nasmos of few would maoiria, suffers it certain collateral effect, and appears in mercadode favored work, sectors less.
The great bureaucracy, the capital to parainiciar a business even though and low the escolaridade, had caused inmerosgrupos of workers who had been to stop in the informality. In one of these groups, if it incases Plates perfectly. One of the consequences most serious of the setorinformal is the capacity to generate resources that never will be taxed, of formaque the profit of the informal work can setornar bigger of what of one empresaque follows the legal requirements imposed by the public administration. Consequentemente, this lack of collection tax makes with that tributaopara formal companies increases and because of this increase, more people seguempara the informality. The fact is that, this vicious cycle of the informality podeno to have end.
The great bureaucracy, the capital to parainiciar a business even though and low the escolaridade, had caused inmerosgrupos of workers who had been to stop in the informality. In one of these groups, if it incases Plates perfectly. One of the consequences most serious of the setorinformal is the capacity to generate resources that never will be taxed, of formaque the profit of the informal work can setornar bigger of what of one empresaque follows the legal requirements imposed by the public administration. Consequentemente, this lack of collection tax makes with that tributaopara formal companies increases and because of this increase, more people seguempara the informality. The fact is that, this vicious cycle of the informality podeno to have end.