Wilian Jnior Bonete (Mestrando in Social History - UEL) Paula Maria Coast (Doctor in History - UNESP) SUMMARY: Regional History together with the knowledge of local history can consist in an education that extends the conscience on the importance of cultural the historic site. When duly worked, Regional History in classroom it would angaria ample possibilities of study for the historians/professors beyond supplying necessary elements that they assist in the identity construction. However, it must be attempted against to the fact of that it second requires (Pollak) a type of different knowledge of that one focused in the high national level. For in such a way, the objective of the present text is to present the results gotten to the end of the project of Supervised Period of training developed for academics of 4 year of the course of Licenciatura in History of the State University of Center-West - UNICENTRO in Guarapuava, PR, which had as focus Ensino de Histria of the Paran, had to the fact of that continuously the people place in itself questions related to the place where they live and on as its ancestor and for the little space had also lived that he all possesss in the curricular gratings in the State, a time that the law determines that its education is obligator. The intention also is to briefly reflect on concept of estimated the Regional and Local History and the theoretician-metodolgicos that had guided the project all. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Regional history, Education of History, Practical and Methodologies. The present text is resulted final of a project of Supervised Period of training carried through for the academics of 4 year of History of the State University of Center-West (UNICENTRO), with groups of Basic and Average Ensino of a State School in Guarapuava, PR, which had as focus the education of History of the Paran. The objective of this work is to present the stories of this experience and to raise some reflections on estimated the theoretician-metodolgicos that had guided the project, as well as the concept of Local and Regional History. .